Anything's that's in the air, we put it there-Air Craft Maintenance.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Who Do You Love?

My fiancé and I were watching TV and a commercial for John Stewart’s show came on. It was then that she professed her love for him…and for Dermot Mulroney…and for Matthew McConaughey. I was incensed! Who was this woman sitting next to me and where was the one that looked at me like I was the most wonderful man in the world. I stuttered and stammered for a moment and finally was able to attain rational thought again. I figured that she was mostly joking…mostly. Seriously though, I’m a confident person but realize that when comparing the tangible attributes, between myself and the aforementioned individuals, I fall a little short. Hell, there are plenty of wealthier, younger and better looking people than me in real life, let alone in Hollywood. I’m okay with that because I know I have a lot to offer and I think my strong suit is in intangibles like caring, compassion, a strong work ethic, integrity and sense of humor (and that’s to mention anything about my prowess in the bedroom…lol…I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist throwing that in there). My love sent my mind to work again when she asked me if there were any famous people that I loved. Hmm….there’s plenty of famous people that I find attractive, but none that I ever used the word “love” to describe. Then an unlikely person came to mind.
I thought about that female carpenter from the show Trading Spaces; I think her name is Amy. She isn’t what you would describe as stunning, but she is so damn handy with a circular saw. I imagined a conversation over coffee on a Saturday morning, going something like this:
Me: I was just thinking, we could really use some shelves in the laundry room.
Amy: Yeah, I think you’re right. First I have to finish hand carving the mahogany entertainment center then I’ll get right on it.
Me: You rock.
Amy: No, you rock.
Me: No, you rock.
Amy: No, you rock.
Okay, you get the picture. Then I started getting an uneasy feeling about this fictional relationship. I mean I don’t think I’m ready for “his” and “hers” hand tools. Then I started to foresee additional problems like her berating me for failure to properly lubricate my air tools or the disheveled appearance of my rollaway tool box. Plus, I secretly enjoy doing handy stuff around the house; it kind of makes me feel important. So, I don’t think this thing would work out. I guess there are truly no famous people that I love. Besides, when your about to marry a beautiful, sexy, extremely intelligent, and fun loving woman, who just happens to be a talented romance writer; what can compare to that?
So…who do you love?


Blogger Anna J. Evans said...

I laughed out loud several times during that babe :).

First of all, let me correct you by saying that I do not LOVE Matt Mc. I love Dermot and John because they are worthy of my severe crushing, Matt Mc. is just someone I might have toyed with when I was young and single and in the mood to drink a lot of beer and feel a little naughty. You see the difference?

Secondly, I'm SO not jealous of Amy. I know how to operate a circular saw as well as a band saw and several other high powered tools. I was forced to take 4 semesters of shop in college to help build theatre sets. So THERE! Now, don't you want me to help you keep your air doohickies lubricated? heh heh.

Love you. Very funny stuff. Thanks for the listing of all my fabulous qualities at the end (NOTE TO READERS: He probably wrote that right after I yelled at him to come help me clean our filthy house or help 8 zip up her backpack and that his blogging could wait until a more appropriate time, lol.)

12:43 PM

Blogger Sasha White said...

Unfortunately, I love the heros in my books. That makes it very hard to find a real man. lol. However, in your list of qualities that YOU listed, you sound very close to the heros in my I think you're safe. And judging by Anna's response, you should think so too. ;)

10:25 PM

Blogger Anna J. Evans said...


Sasha, you're so right. He is very romance hero-like. Didn't think they really existed myself, but I was (thankfully) proven wrong. Keep your eyes open, you may find one of your own any day :)

(Loved "Bound" by the way...whew!)

Hey Babe, you should read "Bound". I think you might like it :).

5:13 AM

Blogger Sasha White said...

Hey Babe, you should read "Bound". I think you might like it :).

I've been told it can be very ...inspiring. *grin*
Glad you enjoyed it!!

5:25 PM

Blogger Air Force Dad said...

Thanks Anna, for clearing that up, about Matt Mc. I feel sooo much better about that…to think that I had mistaken lust for love is almost embarrassing lol.
Sasha, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to check out and commenting on the blog. I’ll be sure to read “Bound” and I may even let you know how it rated on my unique erotic romance rating scale…(Anna can fill you in on the details of the rating system, I use it when I’m reading the drafts of her stories…lets just say that my ratings don’t use stars and I’ll leave it at that
NOTE TO READERS: in Anna’s first comment, she wrote about how she yelled at me to help clean the house. I’d just like to clear the air on the incident. First of all, I admittedly get a little “task fixated” at times. Sometimes the trait is very beneficial when it comes to things like work or certain bedroom activities (damn…I did it again). Sometimes the trait can be a detriment, like when I feel the insatiable urge make a blog post regardless of the house cleaning going on around me. But, I also must say the Anna failed to mention how I utilized my aircraft battle damage repair skills to expeditiously repair the swiffer broom stick. My quick action and intuitive skills allowed me to partake in the cleaning action by using the, once damaged, piece of cleaning equipment. I swept and swiffer damp moped that damn floor like no ones business. I offered to do it topless, but Anna didn’t take me up on it. I truthfully think that she knew the vision of her man sweeping and mopping with out a shirt would be too much for her to handle and she wouldn’t be able to control herself

7:50 AM

Blogger Anna J. Evans said... (though I do like watching you mow the lawn without a shirt on...heh heh.)


7:11 AM


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