Anything's that's in the air, we put it there-Air Craft Maintenance.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


There’s a sort of rivalry amongst the armed services. Obviously, being a member of the Air Force would cause me to be biased to which one I feel is the best and truthfully that’s not debate I would choose to take part in anyway. I will say that each service has a unique mission and they all perform their assigned missions superbly. However, there is an area where services are not all equal, and that is Hollywood.
Think about the movies depicting the various armed services and you will see there is a great disparity. For example, the Navy scored big with the ever popular Top Gun. The Army and Marines have several excellent movies like Heartbreak Ridge, Full Metal Jacket, and Blackhawk Down just to name a few. But can you name any Air Force movies that aren’t totally cheesy? No! We get jewels like Iron Eagle. It did have an 80’s-riffic soundtrack though. So if any filmmakers are listening (or reading) out there, please do your part to correct this injustice.


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